Secret Service was informed of an alleged Iranian threat to Trump, so the Service mounted its blown-off Trumpian ear fiasco?

© 2024 Peter Free


17 July 2024



What sense does this make?


Demonstrating the idiocy of American government — as well as its unrelenting propaganda:



US authorities obtained intelligence from a human source in recent weeks on a plot by Iran to try to assassinate Donald Trump, a development that led to the Secret Service increasing security around the former president, multiple people briefed on the matter told CNN.


“Secret Service learned of the increased threat from this threat stream,” the official told CNN.


“NSC [National Security Council] directly contacted USSS [US Secret Service] at a senior level to be absolutely sure they continued to track the latest reporting. USSS shared this information with the detail lead, and the Trump campaign was made aware of an evolving threat."


"In response to the increased threat, Secret Service surged resources and assets for the protection of former President Trump. All of this was in advance of Saturday.”


© 2024 Evan Perez, Zachary Cohen, Natasha Bertrand, Kylie Atwood and Kristen Holmes, Exclusive: Secret Service ramped up security after intel of Iran plot to assassinate Trump; no known connection to shooting, CNN (16 July 2024)



So . . .


. . . we are to believe that the purportedly evil Iranians planned 'off' Trump in payback for his January 2020 ordered assassination of General Qassem Soleimani.


And thus, the mighty Secret Service heightened its Trump protection.


Evidently, to the level that a kid in Butler, Pennsylvania — armed with a commonly available rifle and, apparently a ladder — could climb up on a conveniently unguarded roof to blast him?





Did anyone check this American propaganda for logical consistency . . .


. . . before shooting off his, her or its anonymously official mouth?


Notice how We the People learned of the supposed Iranian plot, only after the failed assassination attempt on Trump.


This seems to have been a quickly concocted propaganda effort to use anti-Iranian hatred to deflect attention from the laughably obvious Secret Service's ear-blown-off ineptitude.



The moral? — We all know American leadership is viciously pillaging and never tells the truth


We can also (now) reaffirm that it is as stupid as outhouse droppings, as well.